Tag game by Farahin Ahmad

Hello earthlings !

Ada lah seorang blogger yang blognye agak encem iaitu : Farahin Ahmad
Tagging , tagging and tagging game . lets start !

Rules :
  • You must post these rules
  • Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal
  • Answer the question the tagger set for you in their post. And create new eleven question for the people you tagged to answer
  • You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post
  • Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her
  • No tag back !
  • No stuff in the tagging section about " YOU ARE TAGGED IF YOU ARE READING THIS" YOU LEGITIMATELY (a.k.a REALLY, TRUST WITH ALL HONESTY) have tagged 11 people.

11 things about me :

;Not a good listener
;Lazy .
;Prefer facebook than twitter :D
;Senang takut
;Tak cepat marah
;Tengah carik baju bola harimau malaya.
;Tak suka sayur !
;Kinda hate my facebook name

Answer :

1. cekodok kentang/biskut jacob ?
=Biskut jacob
2. teh/nescafe ?
3. light pink/soft pink ?
=Soft pink
4. myvi/Lc ?
5. blog/twitter?
=Blogspot [DOT] com
6. donald duck/barbie ?
=donald duck
7. kangkung/kobis ?
=Dua-2 tak suka ><
8. KL/JB ?
9. colgate/safi ?
10. cipanzi/ monkey ?
11. nama penuh anda ?
=Syazmira b Muhammad Amran

Question :

;Harry potter/ Shincan ?
;Suka Justin Bieber tak ?
;Prefer contact lens atau cermin mata ?
;Rambut panjang/ Rambut pendek yang korang suka ?
;Domokun/angry bird
;Makeup/ natural beauty
;Curly hair / straight hair yang korang suka ?
;Nama Handphone ?
;Full name

*clue - simbol / mewakili perkataan atau

I will tag
Nurin , Anis , Aiza ,Natasya , Nabihah , Syamila ,WAWA ,Fasihah , Kak una , Kak sofeah

Mira tag 10 je sbb malas nak bkk tab byk2 hehe . kurang satulah :)


#Gambar tak ada kena mengena

Sebernanya , mira dah taknak buat blog and berancang nak delete blog ni :face29:..
TIPU je lah , sebernanya nak bagitahu yang mira dah tak aktif and tak selalu hupdate iUni blog sbb exam lah , malas lah , takde idea lah itu lah ini lah , Macam-macam lh . korang selalukan lah tgk blog mira untuk update2 terkini . Raya haji nanti mira nak balik kampung , kalau ada gambar mira post kat blog :D

Sincerely ,
Mira Miro